Top 5 Best Persona 6 Confidants

Are you ready to dive into the world of Persona 6? If you're a fan of the series, then you know that one of the most important aspects of the game is building relationships with your confidants. These characters not only help you in battle, but they also provide valuable insight into the game's story and lore.

In this article, we'll be taking a look at the top 5 best Persona 6 confidants. These characters are not only fun to interact with, but they also provide some of the most useful abilities and perks in the game. So, without further ado, let's get started!

1. The Detective

First up on our list is the Detective. This confidant is a new addition to the Persona series, and they bring a unique set of abilities to the table. As you might expect, the Detective is all about solving mysteries and uncovering secrets.

As you build your relationship with the Detective, you'll gain access to a variety of abilities that can help you in battle. For example, one of their abilities allows you to see enemy weaknesses before you even engage in combat. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows you to plan your attacks more effectively.

But the Detective isn't just useful in battle. They also provide valuable information about the game's story and lore. As you progress through the game, you'll uncover more and more secrets, and the Detective will be there to help you make sense of it all.

2. The Chef

Next up on our list is the Chef. This confidant is all about food, and they bring a unique set of abilities to the table. As you might expect, the Chef is all about cooking and preparing delicious meals.

As you build your relationship with the Chef, you'll gain access to a variety of abilities that can help you in battle. For example, one of their abilities allows you to heal your party members with delicious food. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows you to keep your party members healthy and ready for battle.

But the Chef isn't just useful in battle. They also provide valuable information about the game's story and lore. As you progress through the game, you'll uncover more and more secrets, and the Chef will be there to help you make sense of it all.

3. The Musician

Next up on our list is the Musician. This confidant is all about music, and they bring a unique set of abilities to the table. As you might expect, the Musician is all about playing instruments and composing music.

As you build your relationship with the Musician, you'll gain access to a variety of abilities that can help you in battle. For example, one of their abilities allows you to boost your party's attack power with a rousing musical performance. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows you to deal more damage to your enemies.

But the Musician isn't just useful in battle. They also provide valuable information about the game's story and lore. As you progress through the game, you'll uncover more and more secrets, and the Musician will be there to help you make sense of it all.

4. The Athlete

Next up on our list is the Athlete. This confidant is all about sports, and they bring a unique set of abilities to the table. As you might expect, the Athlete is all about physical fitness and training.

As you build your relationship with the Athlete, you'll gain access to a variety of abilities that can help you in battle. For example, one of their abilities allows you to dodge enemy attacks with lightning-fast reflexes. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows you to avoid taking damage and stay in the fight longer.

But the Athlete isn't just useful in battle. They also provide valuable information about the game's story and lore. As you progress through the game, you'll uncover more and more secrets, and the Athlete will be there to help you make sense of it all.

5. The Scientist

Last but not least on our list is the Scientist. This confidant is all about science, and they bring a unique set of abilities to the table. As you might expect, the Scientist is all about experimentation and discovery.

As you build your relationship with the Scientist, you'll gain access to a variety of abilities that can help you in battle. For example, one of their abilities allows you to analyze enemy weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows you to exploit your enemies' weaknesses and deal more damage.

But the Scientist isn't just useful in battle. They also provide valuable information about the game's story and lore. As you progress through the game, you'll uncover more and more secrets, and the Scientist will be there to help you make sense of it all.


And there you have it, folks! The top 5 best Persona 6 confidants. These characters are not only fun to interact with, but they also provide some of the most useful abilities and perks in the game. So, if you're looking to build the ultimate team in Persona 6, be sure to build relationships with these confidants. Happy gaming!

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